Wartune Apollo Sylph

Due to the heal and AE capabilities and the extra HP, Apollo is best for sylph arena, group arena and guild battle. About 4 days ago I saw on youtube a video posted by GM wartune about the apollo sylph. It showed it in PvP and sylph arena. My question is: when will this sylph be available and how might we obtain it?

Wartune how to get apollo sylph wartune how to get insignia wartune how to get married wartune how to get high battle rating wartune how to get wings wartune how to increase br wartune how to use. I just want to notify that Wartune is having Thanksgiving events in which I think are pretty nice and beneficial for some people like me. Here is the list of them. I will go over some of them on my next post. These events are all centered around the plump turkey - an item that can be opened in exchange for rewards. Now u can farm sylph essence from sylph atoll and exchange 60 of them for sylph seal.There is a random chance for dropping a white green or even blue sylph from there.The chances for getting White sylph is about 91% and for green is about 8.5% and for blue its like 0.5%(which is very rare).U can try to get blue sylph if u cant afford to use.

Hiyo guys! I'm back here to go analyze and go over some of the big events in this years' Thanksgiving Events. The three events that I most importantly wanted to go over was the Astral Event, the Bounty Quest Event, & the Sylph Exchange Event.Sylph

Astral Event
When I opened up and saw this event I was surprised for 2 reasons: I thought this event could only be redeemed only once, and the amount of plump turkeys it gives. I also find it nice that you also get energine as a reward. If you sum it all up, that would equal 4000 free exp for a certain astral that you are focusing on leveling up. Also I want to look at the gold rewards. Upon capturing 200 astrals, you receive 300,000 gold back as a reward. Upon capturing 500, you receive 500,000 gold. The profit is not going to equal what it should because of the money used to capture the astrals. It would cost a person 400,000 gold to do 100 clicks using ONLY the Magus Star panel (4k gold per click). In all that equals 800,000 gold, so in theoretical total, you would ultimately spend 500,000 gold. Now if you're not planning on using those astrals - sell them. Out of 200 clicks on the Magus Star,approximately 123 would become a misfortune, equalling to about 425,000 gold. Out of 500 clicks on the Magus Star, approximately 306 would end up misfortune, equaling to about 1,065,600 gold. It would only cost a person 350k gold to get 9 plump turkeys and 8 energines!

Bounty Quest Event
The bounty quest event comes in a massive package. A bunch of gem packs can be earned but, is it worth the trouble?
7 BOUNTY QUESTS are needed to earn just 1 plump turkey. That's alot, if you are a non-casher and don't use balens at all to get the bounty scroll pack at shop. Luckily I had 7 enhanced bounty scrolls in my vault, and was able to get 25 gem packs, 340k gold, and a plump turkey (I hate exp)!
You can also go to the bounty board to look for orange quests, but the chances are pretty low, and there's always the trouble of forgetting to look back at the board.

Sylph Exchange Event
I did not expect this at all to come from Wartune. A somewhat fair chance to get an Apollo or Hades sylph! Let's get this straight, the exchange 100 mahra is just flat out not worth it if your sylph does not have a purple quality. Mahra is too scarce in the game to be used like that. Sepulcrum on the other hand, is another story since depending on how strong you are, you earn around 30+ sepulcrum each week. Definitely a good choice to trade the sepulcrum for a Hades, well in a non-casher's perspective.


Wartune Loki Sylph

Wartune Sylph Refine

Wartune Apollo Sylph

Wartune sylph equipment guide

Wartune Apollo Sylph

Wartune Sylph Merge

* I am always unprepared for these types of events. I will make sure to always keep at least 100 sepulcrum in my storage if an event like this happens to occur again.