Apostle Benson Idahosa

Benson Andrew Idahosa was born on the 11th of September, 1938 in Benin City, Edo State Nigeria into an impoverished family. And because of that, he had a poor education background. He started school at the age of 14, but before then, he was always sent to the farm to work.

Bishop Benson Idahosa

Benson Idahosa Win without Fighting Part 6 by Bishop Michael Reid. Benson Idahosa Win without Fighting Part 7 by Bishop Michael Reid. Benson Idahosa - Fire from Heaven - Part 1 BENSON IDAHOSA - YouTube Benson Idahosa University, BIU is a private Christian university in Benin City, Nigeria founded by Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa. Archbishop Benson IDAHOSA Biography. Benson Andrew Idahosa was born on the 11th of September, 1938 in Benin City, Edo State Nigeria into an impoverished family. And because of that, he had a poor education background. Among other Great men he raised in Nigeria include Apostle Babalola, Pa Adeboye, W.F Kumuyi, Bishop Oyedepo, Francis Wale Oke, Gbile Akanni, etc. According to the writings of Ruthanne Warlock, this was how Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa met his spiritual Father (Pa Sydney Granville Elton). The Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa left his footprints on the Sands of time. The timings of his life's events were also significant. Benson Idahosa became born again on a Sunday in January 1960, the year of Nigeria's independence and few months after the departure to Glory of the reverred patriarch, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola in July, 1959. Archbishop Benson Andrew Idahosa: The man who vividly described his death.

Benson Idahosa got born again in 1952 in Assemblies of God Church, Benin, and since that time, he began taking God and the gospel serious. Sooner or later, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and began teaching in different villages.

In many of the meetings he held, there were diverse kinds of healing and miracles and because of that, the news spread across many other villages which enhanced the work of evangelism.

Apostle Benson Idahosa

Apostle Benson Idahosa Ministry

It was in 1968 that Idahosa received the mandate of preaching the gospel with signs. So he began a Bible study group near a store before moving to a bigger facility.

He was ordained in 1971 by his mentor, S G Elton and Freda Lindsey. He is the founder of Church of God mission International, with the headquarters currently located in Benin City, Edo State.

Apostle Benson Idahosa

He was married to Margaret Idahosa and their union was blessed with four children. Benson Idahosa died on the 12th of March, 1998.